Whole Community Resilience Planning Program: Program Development, Strategy, and Capacity Building

Foundation for Puerto Rico

The Challenge:

To help Puerto Rican communities better withstand future natural disasters

Our Strategy:

In 2020, Ochoa Urban Collaborative provided advice and strategy in the development of program guidelines and the Request for Proposal for the Whole Community Resilience Program, a CDBG-DR funded program of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing (PRDOH) in the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma.  The Whole Community Resilience Program is a competitive planning grant for communities to develop planning goals and actions that include infrastructure projects that will help communities better withstand future natural disasters.  The Foundation for Puerto Rico is a non-profit whose mission is transformative economic development for the island.  OUC also provided training in federal procurement and cross-cutting regulations as well as HUD CDBG-DR program regulations. 

Progress to date:

  • OUC provided advice to the Foundation for Puerto Rico on renegotiating their role in managing the program

  • The program launched in June 2021.  Applications were submitted in November 2021 with an expected announcement of grantees in March 2022.

mochoa@ochoaurbancollaborative.com | 202-413-6910